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Russian Investment and Building Forum - 2016

Attention! The event is over.

Russian Investment and Building Forum

Date: 17.02.2016 - 18.02.2016 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation

Topics: Building and real estate, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Venue: Gostiny Dvor

The 5th Anniversary Russian investment and construction forum (RISF-2016) - is a platform for discussion of Russian and international experience in the implementation of investment projects in the sphere of housing, industrial construction, integrated territory development, infrastructure development, including through the mechanisms of public-private partnerships and the development of built-up areas, modernization of the industry of construction materials and formation of clusters, the introduction of innovative energy-efficient and energy-saving building technologies and materials.

Goal forum - is to implement government policy in the field of housing, industrial and infrastructure construction, the positioning of Russia as a global investment centres.

Objectives of the forum:

  • Summing up the activities of the Russian construction sector in 2015
  • Summing up the implementation of the state program "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and communal services of citizens of the Russian Federation", "Housing for Russian family" in 2015
  • The definition of perspective directions of development of the construction industry for 2016
  • Demonstrate investment potential of construction in Russia, attracting large-scale investments in the Russian economy
  • Presentation of the best practices in the implementation of investment projects in the sphere of housing, industrial and infrastructure construction, as well as innovations in energy efficiency and energy saving, sharing best practices
  • The creation of a unified information field for federal and regional bodies of state power, local self-government, domestic and foreign construction industry and other business representatives
  • The establishment and expansion of businesscontacts, promotion of companies in the new Russian markets
  • The organization of universal activities that promote the development of construction in Russia, increasing its investment attractiveness with the participation of representatives of public authorities and local government, national industry associations, leading manufacturers and suppliers of building materials, construction and development companies, international organizations, expert community

Exhibition Sections:

  • Modern housing policy of Russia in the light of the implementation of government programs "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and communal services of citizens of the Russian Federation", "Housing for Russian family"
  • The investment climate in construction
  • Best regional practices
  • Modern architecture and urbanism
  • Integrated development of territories
  • Financing. Mortgage. A new approach
  • The development of the engineering, social and transport infrastructure
  • Resource support
  • Self-regulation
  • Modernization of the Russian industry of construction materials
  • Development of clusters
  • Innovation, energy efficiency, "green technology"

Additional information:
