Date | Title, short description | |
04.12 06.12.2013 |
Education - 2014 (Nikolaev, Ukraine) Specialized Exhibition |
20.11 22.11.2013 |
Educational Environment and Educational Technology - 2013 (Minsk, Belarus) 5th International Specialized Exhibition |
05.11 08.11.2013 |
FranchExpo Central Asia - 2013 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 6th Central Asian International Exhibition for Franchising |
Online catalog |
04.10 06.10.2013 |
Education and Career - 2013 (Baku, Azerbaijan) 7th Azerbaijan International Education and Career Exhibition |
Press release |
13.09 15.09.2013 |
Rest and Entertainment EXPO - 2013 (Yerevan, Armenia) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition |
05.06 07.06.2013 |
Expo-Russia Kazakhstan - 2013 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 4th Annual Russian-Kazakhstan Industrial Exhibition |
18.04 20.04.2013 |
Housing and Public Utilities-Expo - 2013 (Astana, Kazakhstan) International Forum for Housing and Public Services and New Technologies in Building Industry |
Press release |
12.04 14.04.2013 |
Hospitality Industry - 2013 (Odessa, Ukraine) Exhibition Dedicated to the Hospitality Industry, Cafes and Restaurants |
Press release |
11.04 13.04.2013 |
Higher Education - 2013 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
11.04 13.04.2013 |
Education and Career - 2013 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) 14th Kazakhstan International Exhibition |
11.04 13.04.2013 |
Educational Tourism - 2013 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
11.04 13.04.2013 |
School - 2013 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
09.04 11.04.2013 |
Worlddidac Astana - 2013 (Astana, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition of Technology for Education and Professional Training |
Press release |
27.03 29.03.2013 |
UzSecureExpo - 2013 (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition "Industrial Safety. Occupational Safety. Fire Safety. Environmental Protection" |
05.03 07.03.2013 |
World of Entertainments - 2013 (Kiev, Ukraine) 7th International Specialized Exhibition |
21.02 23.02.2013 |
Education and Career - 2013 (Minsk, Belarus) 11th Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
Education & Career EXPO - 2012 (Yerevan, Armenia) International Specialized Exhibition |
14.11 16.11.2012 |
Educational Environment and Educational Technology - 2012 (Minsk, Belarus) 4th International Specialized Exhibition |
20.09 22.09.2012 |
Education and Career - 2012 (Baku, Azerbaijan) 6th Azerbaijan International Exhibition and Conference "Education and Career" |
07.09 09.09.2012 |
Rest and Entertainment EXPO - 2012 (Yerevan, Armenia) International Specialized Exhibition |
18.04 20.04.2012 |
Education and Career - 2012 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) Kazakhstan International Exhibition |
18.04 20.04.2012 |
Educational Tourism - 2011 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
18.04 20.04.2012 |
School - 2012 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
23.02 25.02.2012 |
Education and Career - 2012 (Minsk, Belarus) 10th Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
22.02 24.02.2012 |
Education and Science of the XXI Century - 2012 (Astana, Kazakhstan) 9th Kazakhstan International Exhibition |
Online catalog |
16.11 18.11.2011 |
Educational Environment and Educational Technology - 2011 (Minsk, Belarus) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition |
Online catalog Press release |
15.11 17.11.2011 |
Education & Career EXPO - 2011 (Yerevan, Armenia) International Specialized Exhibition |
02.11 04.11.2011 |
Housing and Public Utilities-Expo - 2011 (Astana, Kazakhstan) International Specialized Exhibition |
06.10 08.10.2011 |
Education and Career - 2011 (Baku, Azerbaijan) 5th Azerbaijan International Exhibition and Conference "Education and Career" |
16.09 18.09.2011 |
Rest and Entertainment EXPO - 2011 (Yerevan, Armenia) 3rd International Specialized Exhibition |
28.04 29.04.2011 |
Education. Work. Career - 2011 (Aktobe, Kazakhstan) 5th Specialized Exhibition |
30.03 01.04.2011 |
Å-KAZAKHSTAN - 2011 (Astana, Kazakhstan) 4th International Exhibition and Forum of ICT |
02.03 04.03.2011 |
Modern Educational Establishments - 2011 (Kiev, Ukraine) International Exhibition-Presentation |
24.02 26.02.2011 |
Education and Career - 2011 (Minsk, Belarus) 9th Specialized Exhibition |
Press release |
28.12 05.01.2011 |
Christmas - 2011 (Minsk, Belarus) 9th Spiritual and Educational Exhibition-Fair |
16.11 18.11.2010 |
Education & Career EXPO - 2010 (Yerevan, Armenia) 11th International Specialized Exhibition |
27.10 29.10.2010 |
Housing and Public Utilities-Expo - 2010 (Astana, Kazakhstan) 5th Kazakhstan International Specialized Exhibition |
27.10 29.10.2010 |
Innovations in Ukrainian Education - 2010 (Kiev, Ukraine) Exhibition-Presentation |
09.10 17.10.2010 |
Pokrovsky Fair - 2010 (Minsk, Belarus) 7th Spiritual and Educational Exhibition-Fair |
07.10 09.10.2010 |
Education and Career - 2010 (Baku, Azerbaijan) 4th Azerbaijan International Exhibition and Conference "Education and Career" |
06.10 08.10.2010 |
Educational Environment and Educational Technology - 2010 (Minsk, Belarus) 2nd International Specialized Exhibition |
03.09 05.09.2010 |
Rest and Entertainment Expo - 2010 (Yerevan, Armenia) 2nd International Specialized Exhibition |
26.08 28.08.2010 |
Hello, School! - 2010 (Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan) Specialized Exhibition |
26.08 28.08.2010 |
Wedding Salon - 2010 (Petropavlovsk, Kazakhstan) Specialized Exhibition |
13.07 15.07.2010 |
Europe - Asia. Cooperation without Borders - 2010 (Aktobe, Kazakhstan) Russian-Kazakhstan Industrial Exhibition |
Online catalog |
23.04 25.04.2010 |
Light. Sound. Stage - 2010 (Odessa, Ukraine) Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Entertaining Complexes, Restaurants, Hotels, Conference Halls |
21.04 23.04.2010 |
Higher Education - 2010 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
21.04 23.04.2010 |
Educational Tourism - 2010 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
21.04 23.04.2010 |
School - 2010 (Almaty, Kazakhstan) International Exhibition |
01.04 03.04.2010 |
Å-KAZAKHSTAN - 2010 (Astana, Kazakhstan) Exhibition-Forum of Information and Communication Technologies |