ÀËÒÀÉÑÒÐÎÉ - Ãîðíî-Àëòàéñê-Áàðíàóë-Áèéñê - 2025
ÀËÒÀÉÑÒÐÎÉ - Ãîðíî-Àëòàéñê-Áàðíàóë-Áèéñê - 2025

Exhibition Complex LENEXPO

Image of LENEXPO

Address: Russia, 199106, Saint Petersburg, Bolshoi Pr., Vasilievski Island 103.

Exhibition Complex LENEXPO is one the biggest exhibition complexes in Russia and the largest in the North-West Region.
40,000 sqm. of the roofed floor space.
63,000 sqm. of the open air floor space.
8 pavilions on the Finland Gulf shore. Unique opportunity to demonstrate vessels and water crafts directly on the territory of the exhibition complex.
8 conference halls for 24, 32, 120, 144, 250, 320 and 1054 seats.
Many functional and super technological hall of the new congress center with 1054 seats gives an opportunity to carry out congresses of the world level.
Congress hall with 2,800 seats.
Press-center, negotiation rooms.
Cafes, bars, restaurants.
Car parking lots.


How to get

Venue access:

To "Primorskaya" metro station, then by trolleybus ¹ 10; buses ¹¹ Ê129, Ê120, Ê128; route taxis ¹¹ 183, 690, 128, 129. Stop "Lenexpo".

To "Vasileostrovskaya" metro station, then by route taxis N 183, 690, 349, 44, 309. Stop "Lenexpo".
