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Server News

04-Dec-2012 continued cooperation with Expostroy, our portal has information about exhibition "Expostone - 2013" which will held in Moscow in June of the next year. More info...

03-Dec-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Kuzbass Fair", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Novokuznezk in 2013. More info...

30-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "ITE Uzbekistan", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Tashkent in 2013. More info...

29-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Atakent-Expo", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Almaty and Astana in 2013. More info...

28-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "GadgetFair Team", our portal has information about the exhibition and festival of gadgets "Gadget Fair - 2013", which will be held in September of the next year in Moscow. More info...

27-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the "Belexpocentr", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Belgorod in 2013. More info...

26-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with Exhibition Centre "UDMURTIA", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Izhevsk in 2013. More info...

23-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with JSC "Zarubezh - Expo", our portal has information about the exhibition "Expo-Russia Kazakhstan - 2013", which will be held in June of the next year in Almaty (Kazakhstan). More info...

22-Nov-2012 started cooperation with the company "Guangdong International Exhibitions Limited", our portal has information about the "Guangzhou International Beauty Expo - 2013", which will be held in March of the next year in Guangzhou (China). More info...

21-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Beijing Zhenwei Exhibition Co., Ltd.", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in 2013 in Beijing. More info...

20-Nov-2012 started cooperation with the company "MEDIA GLOB - CROCUS", our portal has information about exhibitions "Buildex - 2013" and "InterLogistika - 2013", which will be held next year in Moscow. More info...

19-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Expoforum", our portasl has information about exhibitions, which will be held in Minsk in 2013. More info...

16-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Bulgarreklama Agency", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Sofia (Bulgaria) in 2013. More info...

15-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Exhibition Management Services - EMS", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa) in 2013. More info...

14-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Sochi-Expo, our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Sochi in 2013. More info...

13-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Baltic-Expo", our portal has information about exhibitions which will be held in Kaliningrad in 2013. More info...

12-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with the company "Eastpo Exhibition Co., Ltd.", our portal has information about exhibition "Shanghai International Machine Tool Fair (EASTPO) - 2013" (July, Shanghai (China)). More info...

09-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with TOLYATTISTROYZAKAZCHIK, JSC, our portal has information about the Specialized exhibition "Medicine World. Health and Beauty - 2012" which will be held in November of this year. More info...

08-Nov-2012 continued cooperation with The Stavropol Territory state unitary enterprise "Exhibition and marketing center", our portal has information about exhibition "Industrial Potential of Stavropol - 2012" (November, Stavropol). More info...

07-Nov-2012 started cooperation with company "China Composites Group Corporation Ltd.", our portal has information about the exhibition "China Composites Expo - 2013" which will be held in Beijing (China) in september of the next year. More info...
