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International Exhibition

Date: 10.03.2010 - 12.03.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Ministry for Sport of the Russian Federation

Topic: Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments

"Sports'10" exhibition news, 09-Oct-2009

Announce: On March 10-12 in Moscow, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, the International Exhibition "Sports'10" will be held.

On March 10-12 in Moscow, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, the International Exhibition "Sports'10" will be held.

The exhibition will be held under the auspices of:

  • Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth's Policy in the RF
  • Moscow Government
  • Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The participants of the exhibition "Sports'10" will be private and governmental sports enterprises.

The exposition of 2009 had an area of 10,000 sqm., and there were 170 exhibitors and over 30,000 experts in the field of sports industry at the exhibition.

Despite the sceptics' forecast, who assured that there would be only a few companies willing to participate in the new economical conditions, the exhibition grew up in strength and popularity. In the conditions of severe competition the companies, which used the opportunity to participate in the current situation, considered it important to confirm their status. For the "beginners" the participation was a good start of their activity in the market.

The exhibition "Sports'10" has become one of the brightest and the most important events in sports industry. It is the largest exhibition in Russia, devoted to the given industry sector.

The following events will be held within the framework of the exhibition programme:

  • The Board Meeting of the Ministry of Sports, Tourism, and Youth's Policy in the RF
  • The conference "Problems of Development of Private and Governmental Enterprises Partnership in the Sphere of Physical Culture and Sports"

The organizers invite you to take part in the exhibition "Sports'10".


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