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CPM - Collection Premiere Moscow - 2025

Press Release

Nuclear Industry - 2009

On October 2, in Saint Petersburg was closed The 9th Specialized Exhibition "Nuclear Industry - 2009".

The exhibition was organized under the auspice of:

  • State corporation "ROSATOM"
  • Non-Governmental Educational Establishment "Atomprof" for Continuing Professional Education
  • Saint Petersburg Government

Exhibition organizers:

  • "Exhibition Union "RESTEKT" CJSC (Saint Petersburg)
  • "Atomexpo" OJSC (Moscow)

The sponsors of the event were:

  • "Holding "TITAN2"
  • "Voltag" OJSC

Among the honorary visitors to the exhibition there were:

  • Petr Shchedrovitsky - deputy general director of the State Corporation on Nuclear Energy "Rosatom"
  • Konstantin Zaitsev - deputy chairman of the Committee on Energy of the State Duma of the RF
  • Sergei Diyakov - deputy director of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety, organization of licensing and permitting activity of the State Corporation on Nuclear Energy "Rosatom"
  • Gennady Novikov - deputy general director on science, Emergency and Technical Department of the Nuclear Ministry of Russia
  • Vladimir Rozhkov - rector of Non-Governmental Educational Establishment "Atomprof" for Continuing Professional Education
  • Grigory Naginsky - member of the Federation Counsel of the Federal Assembly of the RF, chairman of the Subcommittee on Nuclear Energy of the Committee on the Natural Monopolies, honoured builder of the RF

At the stands, the exhibitors presented advanced national technologies in the field of machine building for nuclear energy, services of projecting and building nuclear power plants, engineering and maintenance services, sensors, devices and systems of management and safety.

Over 60 leading in nuclear industry companies took part in the work of the exhibition. The combined stand of the State Corporation "ROSATOM" represented 12 enterprises, including the regular participants to the event - "VNIIAES", "Atomspetstrans", "Mining Chemical Integrated Plant", "Industrial Association "Mayak", "TVEL", "SverdNIIchimash", "Atomenergoproject" (SPbAEP), products and services were also demonstrated by "Concern "Energoatom", "Holding "TITAN2", "Pyatigorsk Plant "Impuls", two departments of the Siberian Chemical Integrated Plant - reactor production and repair and mechanical plant, Chepetsk Mechanical Plant, Economico-Financial Energy and Building Corporation and other enterprises from Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk Region, Tomsk and Khabarovsk Regions and other regions of the country.

It became a good tradition to hold an exhibition within the framework of the international nuclear forum. During three days the delegates of the forum had an opportunity to visit the exhibition, and the exhibitors could take part in the discussions on the issues of safe use of nuclear energy, nuclear and radiation safety support, use of radioactive materials as well as nuclear fuel and radioactive waste treatment.

In 2009, the exhibition "Nuclear Industry" for the first time became the part of The 2nd Innovation Forum, which had over 12,000 expert visitors from 29 countries and 50 regions of Russia. It goes without saying that this fact confirms the high professional level of the event and great interest, which was shown by the business community.

According to exhibitors opinion, the exhibition "Nuclear Industry" has become an important link in popularization of achievements in the national nuclear industry, and its role in consolidation of business relations between Russian and international nuclear experts grows from year to year.

List of exhibitors:

  1. EnergyLand.info, media-portal
  2. Nuclear.Ru, Internet-portal
  3. PRo Atom, advertising agency
  4. Softline, magazine
  5. Amur cable plant, OJSC
  6. Association "ROST"
  7. ATOMKON, magazine
  8. Atomspetstrans, OJSC
  10. Atomenergoprom, OJSC
  12. Water technologies of "Atomenergoprom", ltd.
  13. Voltag, CJSC
  14. Exhibition MOST, information agency
  15. Geyser, NPF
  16. Gidromash, scientific-production association, OJSC
  17. Mining Chemical Integrated Plant, federal state unitary enterprise
  18. State Corporation on Nuclear Energy "Rosatom"
  19. GREEN STAR TECHNOLOGIES, enterprise, ltd.
  20. Dedal, NPK, OJSC
  21. DoKon, OJSC
  22. Å4-Centreenergomontazh, OJSC
  23. InformEXPO, information exhibition agency
  24. IT-Center-Yaroslavl, CJSC
  25. Design-engineering department of special machine building, OJSC
  26. Concern "Rosenergoatom", OJSC
  27. Casting Industry, ltd.
  28. Industrial Association "Mayak", federal state unitary enterprise
  29. Metals and Prices, magazine
  30. Modul, ltd.
  31. NIITeplopribor, OJSC
  32. NIKIMT-Atomstroy, OJSC
  33. NIKIET of the Order of Lenin n.a. Dollezhal, OJSC
  35. New Industrial Technologies, magazine
  36. Nuclearcontrol, CJSC
  37. Orelcompressormash, joint stock venture, ltd.
  38. Prognoz, CJSC
  39. ProLan-S, company
  40. Pyatigorsk plant "Impuls", OJSC
  41. Reactor production "Siberian Chemical Plant" OJSC
  42. Repair and mechanical plant "Siberian Chemical Plant" OJSC
  43. RosRAO, federal state unitary enterprise
  44. RFYaTs-BNIITF n.a. academician E.I. Zababakhin, federal state unitary enterprise
  45. SverdNIIChemMash, OJSC
  46. Severmash, industrial association, federal state unitary enterprise
  47. SevZapKran SPb, ltd.
  48. Soyuzatompribor, OJSC
  49. SPbAEP, OJSC
  50. StroyBusinessMarket
  51. Building Site, a group of newspapers
  52. TVEL, OJSC
  53. Tekhnoros, GK
  54. Transport Firm "Atlant", OJSC
  55. Pipes 2000, ltd.
  56. TCH Technologies and Materials, ltd.
  57. Federal Building Market, magazine
  59. Holding "Titan-2"
  60. Centromashproject, federal state unitary enterprise
  61. Chepetsk mechanical plant, OJSC
  62. Economical and Financial Energy Building Corporation, CJSC
  63. Electrotechnical market of Russia and CIS, Internet project
  64. Electrochemical plant, industrial association, OJSC
  65. Energy and Industry of Russia, newspaper
  66. EnergyProject, CJSC

Additional information:
